How To: Link Customers
If you deal with a group of customers for whom statements and invoices are sent to a central head office (HQ), linking customers enables the system to maintain a central statement. In addition, it will enable head office payments to be entered, which can then be allocated across multiple linked customers.
- Open a Customer screen .
- Find and load the Customer who is the parent (HQ) for example central head office.
- Open the
[ Customer | Detail | Statement ]
tab. - Click on the
button. The Customer Payment Linking popup will be displayed.
- Right-click in the grid and select 'Link Customer(s)'.
- The Customer Lookup screen is displayed. Find and select the customers you wish to add and double click on them. They will be added to the grid in the Customer Payment Linking popup.
- Click on OK to close the popup.
- Statements are sent to the parent HQ company not the child companies.
- On
[ Customer | Detail | Statement ]
screen for companies linked to a HQ company a button above the grid will allow the user to load the[ Customer | Detail | Statement ]
for the HQ company. - The merging of customers whose records have been "linked" is not supported.
- Linked customers MUST share the same currency.
- Customers who have been setup to pay by Euro can be linked so long as the system has been configured to handle Euros.
- The option Transfer Transactions / Balance to HQ Company available from the Other Actions Menu -> Accounting Functions will transfer statement transactions from one or more 'child' companies to a linked 'HQ' company. The only time that this option would ever be used would be when a link is created after child transactions already exist. Multi-select companies from the company list before selecting this operation.