How To: Move Sales Orders from Specific Countries or Postcodes into a Manual Hold Sub-stage
Using Invoice Rules it is possible to move sales orders that are from a specific country or postcode area into a Manual Hold sub-stage. This allows users to review the orders and then deal with them appropriately.
Once setup please test that these rules work as you require.
Create a Manual Hold substage
To create a Manual Hold substage:
- Open a Sales Invoice Manager screen .
- Focus on the Manual Hold stage name.
- Right click and select Add SubStage.
- Enter the name for the new sub stage in the popup, for example Country Check?, and click on OK.
- Close and re-open the Sales Invoice Manager to see the changes.
Moving all sales orders with specified country and/or postcodes
The system can automatically move sales orders to a stage within Manual Hold when it meets the specified postcode or country criteria.
- Open a Sales Invoice Manager screen .
- Display the drop-down 'Other Actions' menu either by pressing F9 or clicking the down arrow immediately to the right of the
green circle with a white cross icon at the top of the button bar.
- Select
Edit Invoice Rules...
- In the Invoice Rules dialog click on the Terms Enforcement tab.
- You can select to define the rule against the delivery and/or invoice address by ticking the relevant option:
- Hold an order when delivery postcode is among
- Hold an order when invoice postcode is among checkboxes as required.
- Click on the
button for the delivery or invoice line you have previously selected.
- Click on the
- Tick the Enabled checkbox.
- Add the criteria as required:
- In the Country column F4 and locate the country, and/or
- Enter the postcodes into the adjacent field, see Configuring Postcodes for the format.
- Click Close to return to the Terms Enforcement dialog.
- Select the Manual Hold stage that the orders are to move to when they meet the criteria you have defined.
- Click on OK.