016671: Control access to Data Query Report screen
1. Overview
The Data Query Report screen has been changed so that admin users are able to control what actions other users are able to perform.
2. Specification
Admin Users of the system will be able to assign each user a report profile and set the available permissions for the user whether they can do any of the following:
- Edit: the user can modify and save their own reports as well as delete reports.
- Read: the user can open reports but cannot modify/save/delete reports.
Admin Users are also able to restrict which folder can be accessed by which user profile. This gives users of the specified profile the ability to load reports from that folder into the data query report screen. Each folder added to the Data Query screen will have its own entry in the report permission screen.
Users will only be able to see folders for which their profile matches, they will only be able to open and run reports that are saved in this folder.
Note: Each user will be assigned the system default profile until the admin user changes the permissions.
Notes / Caveats:
- Reports will have to make use of the Smart Filter variables, see How To: Use Smart Filters, to allow users to enter date ranges, or to define other variable elements used within a report.
- Deleting a report folder will remove the related permissions without further prompt
3. Configuration
Steps for configuration are as follows:
- A Changelog and an update will be applied as a part of this development.
- Create a new profile, see How To: Create a User Profile.
- In
[ System Data Report Profiles ]
create a report profile, by default there is one already populating the grid called System Default. This cannot be deleted. - In
[ System Data Report Profile Folders ]
create the types of folders that you would like to group reports into and therefore limit user access to and link them to the Report Profiles created in the above step. - In
[ System Data | Others | Users | User Permissions ]
tick the option to enable a user to read/write/create & Delete reports and report folders.
4. Usage
Once Configured steps for usage are as follows:
- In
[ System Data | Report Profiles Folders ]
create the profiles or group names, for example Marketing, Sales, Purchasing. - In
[ System Data | Report Profiles Folders ]
link the Profile Name created in step one with the report folders that are available in the Data Query screen. - In
[ System Data | User Permissions ]
make sure the Edit checkbox is ticked in the Reports section. - In
[ System Data| Users ]
use the Report Profile column to assign a Report Profile to a user.