Courier Options Dialog - Amazon Logistics

- WARNING: Amazon offer no testing facilities for this functionality, If you require any changes it will require development
The Courier Options dialog allows the user to configure attributes for different couriers, the options will be different for each courier. You can copy the details from an existing courier to another similar one.
To load the Courier Options dialog, open [ System Data | Couriers ]
screen, focus on the courier, right-click and select Configure from the context menu. For each option there is an explanation about what is does.
Nominal Weights can only be used on Boxes (at present). Nominal weights should be in base Khaos Control weight and will be modified by the weight scaling. The system will use:
- Actual Weight
- The consignment weight (items postage or average weight.)
- Nominal Weight
Name | Description | Notes |
Pack Length | The default package dimensions: Length. Use if box length is not specified. | |
Pack Width | The default package dimensions: Width. Use if box width is not specified. | |
Pack Height | The default package dimensions: height. Use if box height is not specified. | |
Sender Name | Sender name | |
Sender Address 1 | Sender address line 1 | |
Sender Address 2 | Sender address line 2 | |
Sender Town | Sender Address - Town | |
Sender Postcode | Sender Address Postcode | |
Sender Country | Sender country code | |
Sender Tel | Sender Telephone | |
Sender Email | Sender Email | |
Delivery Experience | The delivery confirmation level. Allowed values: [NoTracking, DeliveryConfirmationWithAdultSignature, DeliveryConfirmationWithSignature, DeliveryConfirmationWithoutSignature ] | |
Delivery Days | Used when Sales Order: Required Date is not set to calculate Amazon: Must Arrive by Date (Ship Date + Delivery Days) | |
Carrier Will Pick U&P | Sets Amazon Logistics option: CarrierWillPickUp | |
Send MustArriveByDate | Send [ MustArriveByDate ] to Amazon Logistics | |
Weight Scale | The weight against your shipments will be multiplied by this scaling factor before sending to the courier. For example, if you store weight in grams, multiply by 0.001 to convert to KG. | |
Nominal Weight | If this value is set, when your shipment has no weight set against it, then this nominal weight will be used instead. Use if your courier classifies parcel as thought they all have an agreed weight. Please use the system weight used throughout Khaos Control.This is then scaled by the weight Scale.Note that it can only be used when packing boxes. | |
Dimension scale | The dimensions against your shipments will be multiplied by this scaling factor before sending to the courier. For example, if you store dimensions in meters, multiple by 100 to covert to cm. | |
Requires Consignment Ref | Ticked, Sales Invoice cannot be moved past the Shipping stage unless the Consignment(s) have a Consignment Ref. |