Refund Trigger Type Tags

Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature.

For the list of types of tags available see Email Manager Message Template Tags.

The Refund tags are for emails generated for customers that have had a payment that resulted from a Return Credit Note refunded since the last time that the routine was run, see How To: Setup Payment Refund Emails. The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.

The Tag Description of the majority of the tags explains what information will replace the tag in the email. Some of the tags have different coloured backgrounds:

  • Yellow: the tags listed in yellow are used with the Item Template field and are placed in the Message Template body. When the email is sent the information defined in the fields Item Template is listed in the main body of the email located where the yellow tags have been placed.
  • Blue: the blue tags are used in the Item Template to build up column headings of what and in which order the information will appear in the email, see How To: Setup Email Templates for how to use the Item Template and To Follow Item Template fields.

The Available Tags area has the following columns:

  • Tag Desc: the description of the tag.
  • Tag Name: the tag text that will be added into the main Message Template Area and will be replaced by the corresponding data when the email is sent to the addressee.

Tag Desc Tag Name Description
Use this Tag to place Items in your message. $ITEM_TEXT The $ITEM_TEXT tag is placed in the body of the Message Template. The user then builds the content that will replace the $ITEM_TEXT tag when the message is sent by adding the tags with the blue background in the Item Template field.
Company Name $COMPANY_NAME The company name.
Company URN $COMPANY_CODE The company ID.
Credit Note Item Name $CN_ITEM_NAME The item description as stated on the credit note.
Credit Note Item Net Total $CN_ITEM_NET_TOTAL The net total of the item as stated on the credit note.
Credit Note Item Net Unit $CN_ITEM_NET_UNIT The net unit cost of the item as stated on the credit note.
Credit Note Item Qty Sent $CN_ITEM_QTY_SENT The number of items sent as stated on the credit note
Credit Note Item Stock Code $CN_ITEM_STOCK_CODE The stock code as listed on the credit note.
Credit Note Item Tax Total $CN_ITEM_TAX_TOTAL The total amount of tax for the item as listed on the credit note.
Credit Note Sales Order Code $CN_SORDER_CODE The Credit Note Sales Order Code as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Credit Note Sales Order Date $CN_SORDER_DATE The date of the Credit Note Sales Order found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Refund Payment Amount $REFUND_PAYMENT_AMOUNT The amount that has been refunded as found on the Order Total field on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen. It displays to 2 decimal places.
Refund Payment Date $REFUND_PAYMENT_DATE The date of the refund.
Sales Order Brand Company $BRAND_COMPANY The name of the brand company from the original sales order.
Sales Order Brand Description $BRAND_DESC The brand description from the original sales order.
Sales Order Brand Email $BRAND_EMAIL The brand email address from the brand set against the original sales order.
Sales Order Brand Website$BRAND_WEB The brand website.
Sales Order Code $SORDER_CODE The Sales Order Code as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Customer Order Ref $CUSTOMER_PO The customer's Purchase Order reference as entered in the Payment Fields area in the [ Sales Orders | Payment ] screen in the original sales order.
Sales Order Date$SORDER_DATE The date the Sales Order was created, although this can be amended, found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Delivery Date $DELIVERY_DATE The date the sales order is expected to be delivered (despatched).
Sales Order Despatch Date $DESPATCH_DATE The date the original sales order was despatched to the customer.
Sales Order Gross Total $GROSS_TOTAL The total value of the original Sales Order as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen, this includes the value of any out of stock items.
Sales Order Source $SORDER_SOURCE The Sales Source of the original Order as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Web Order Ref $ASSOCIATED_REF Normally the customer's web site order reference and found in the Payment Fields area in the [ Sales Orders | Payment ] screen.
Date - Day as 2 digit number$DATE_DD Day displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 02
Date - Day as name $DATE_DNAME Day name is displayed - eg. Friday
Date - Day as suffixed number $DATE_DNUMBER Day displayed as suffixed number - eg. 2nd
Date - month as 2 digit number $DATE_MM Month displayed as a 2 digit number - eg. 09
Date - Year as 4 digit number $DATE_YYYY Year displayed as a 4 digit number - eg. 2003

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