Stock Detail Options Tab

For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or the Other Actions Menu on the Button Bar) see Stock Other Actions Menu.

The [ Stock | Detail | Options ] tab contains options which allow the user to tailor individual stock items. When a new stock item is created, the following options are turned on by default:


  • Stock Controlled: the most important checkbox signals to the system whether to control stock levels for the loaded stock item. (default=on).
  • Item Discontinued: this item cannot be purchased or sold if there is no stock left. The item is also removed from the main stock listing. See Run To Zero below.
  • Free Text Descriptions: the stock description can be overwritten on a sales or purchase order with custom text.
  • Sales Order Held: this item cannot be added to any sales order type (this includes Returns, Credits and Quotations). It can be added as a stock item in a customer's record linked to a comment or complaint.
  • Automatic Quality Check: stock items are booked into stock without requiring a QC Pass or Fail. (default=on) (no QC required).
  • Discounts Disabled: the system will not look for any special prices for this item, it will be sold using the Sell Price.
  • Hide Item on Price Lists: the stock item is excluded from printed price list reports.
  • Publish on Web: determines whether the item should be shown on the company's e-commerce site. (default=on). This can default to Off for all new stock items using the Default Publish on Web On option in [ System Values | Options | Stock ].
  • Packaging Item: used for stock items that are used in the Packing stage of the Sales Invoice Manager to select a packing item e.g. a box.
  • Non-physical Item: used in the Sales Invoice Manager, these items are assumed to be non-pickable and non-packable for example it could be used with Drop-ship Item so they don't appear on the Picking/Delivery Note.
    Note: If 'Assign stock to Dropship if available' is selected in [ System Values | Sales | Backorders ] and the stock item is set to Non-Physical, when stock is allocated it will not show on the pick ticket. If you also ship drop-ship items from your warehouse as well as your supplier, this option should not be ticked.
  • Drop-ship Item: the item will not be assigned stock and will go onto backorder lists even if there is stock available, see How To: Create a Purchase Order for a Drop Ship Item.
    Note: If you don't wish this item to appear on the Picking/Delivery Note, tick the Non-physical Item above. However, if 'Assign stock to Dropship if available' is selected in [ System Values | Sales | Backorders ] and the stock item is set to Non-Physical, when stock is allocated it will not show on the pick ticket.
  • EPOS Confirm Assignments: when the item is sold using EPOS the user is prompted whether to assign stock or not, if not then the order is treated like a drop-ship.
  • Batch Code Required: Used with warehouse control for items that have batch numbers.
  • Seasonal Item: is used in advanced reordering on the [ Stock | Reordering | Reordering Advanced ] tab. The system will look at the sales trend for this item one year ago based on the Reorder Period(d) and the amount of periods the user would like to view sale trends.
  • COS Excluded Item: the value of the stock item will not be posted to the Stock nominal accounts. It is used when Expense type items are used on Purchase invoices. A Stock Purchase nominal must be setup before this options can be used.
  • Combine Relationship Values: when ticked, the child reordering qty (in the Advanced Reordering screen) will be based on the individual and build calculations combined. If an item is included in multiple build relationships, the figure will be a combination of all relationship parent item sales. If the stock option is unticked, the functionality will remain as it currently is. When ticked the option will also change the calculation in the standard re-ordering screen to include the current stock level for the parent & child items combined, this is then used when calculating the qty to order. If ticked for a build parent, in Advanced Stock Reordering, the qty to order for this build stock item will combine the qty to order from any of its parent/child items that are also in the report, proportional to the qty required for the relationship, see How To: Configure build parents and children when using Advanced Reordering
  • Exclude from Reordering Reports: when this option is ticked, then the stock item will never appear in the re-ordering results (both standard & advanced), see How To: Configure build parents and children when using Advanced Reordering.
  • Auto Postpone Stock Assignment: marks this stock item as needing to have stock assignment postponed on sales orders so that stock is not assigned on sales order save.
  • Run To Zero : a Run to Zero (RTZ) stock item is normally a product that the supplier is no longer able to supply, or you might be discontinuing. Also see Discontinued above.
    1. RTZ items can be purchased although a warning will appear when the purchase order is saved.
    2. RTZ items do not appear on the [ Stock | Reordering ] screen.
    3. Normally RTZ items can't be sold once they have sold out. However, there is an option Allow Cross-Site Run To Zero Orders in System Values that allows Run to Zero stock to be sold when there is none left in the current site, but there is stock available in other sites. Run to Zero items are shown on the [ Stock | List ] grid with a red background.
    4. A compile-time option is available that will ignore the 'Run To Zero' stock option when importing Sales Orders (e.g. from the 'Other Actions' menu or via Web services). When enabled, the order will be imported; any unavailable stock item(s) will be shown as "out of stock".
    5. The calculation for RTZ items when dealing with back orders is Available + On Order - Back Order, for example, if a Run To Zero Stock item has an Available Stock level of 15 with 100 units On Order (and no Stock currently on Back Order), a Sales Order could be placed for up to 115 units.
  • Don't Print Child Items: this is a parent code option that stops child items being displayed on reports (such as Picking Ticket, Sales Invoice, Credit Note, etc) when a relationship would normally print them.
    1. This option only controls the way in which Pack (Move With) stock items are printed. It does not have any impact on Build items.
    2. When this option is ticked against a parent pack (Move With) stock item, the stock value will need to be manually calculated from the value of the components and keyed in using the [ Stock | Detail | Properties ] tab in order for it to display in the Defer Cost of Sales Report.
    3. If this option is ticked and the relationship items are split between invoices (as in, for example, a pack being part shipped), subsequent invoices will not be able to indicate their presence.
  • Exclude Delivery Labels: stops stock labels for the stock item being printed from the purchase delivery note.
  • Publish to Catalogue: use to indicate a stock item is present in your current catalogue.
  • VAT Relief Qualified: ticked the system will exempt the item from VAT on Sales Orders, when VRQ is enabled for both the order's Customer AND Brand, see How To: Setup and use Vat Relief Qualified.
  • Publish to EPOS (default=ticked): the stock item is displayed in the [ EPOS ] screen's stock lookup dialog from both the Stock Type Lookup buttons and the Stock List button. Un-ticking this option hides the stock item from the both the Stock Type Lookup buttons and the Stock List button, however, it can still be added by entering the stock code in the barcode field.
  • Date Coded: Used with warehouse control to date code a location.
  • Purchase Order Held (default=unticked): the item cannot be added to a Purchase Order either manually or automatically, including system generated Purchase Orders.
    Note: pack headers should not have this option ticked.
  • Don't Auto Unbuild (default=unticked): if using the option Automatically Split Single Item Builds in [ System Operations | Stock | General ] and this option is ticked, the parent Build item will not be unbuilt. However, if this option is unticked, then the parent Build item will be unbuilt. This option is only applicable to parent Build items.
  • Fast Moving Stock; used with warehouse control.
    • TICKED: the stock is a fast mover.
    • UNTICKED: the stock item is a slow mover.

Custom Options

Custom Stock Options are set up in [ System Data | Custom Stock Options ].

See Also

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