Customer / Supplier Statement Tab Statement Transactions Grid

For the Other Action Menu options (press F9 or the Other Actions Menu on the Button Bar) see Customer Other Actions Menu.

The Statement Transaction grid is read only and displays the current state of the customer, or suppliers, account. Some of the options available are only for customers or suppliers, this is controlled by the Sales Ledger (or Purchase Ledger) checkbox at the top of the screen. This is broken down in the Allocate From and Allocate To grids to the right.

Statement Transaction Grid

  • Date: the date of the transaction.
  • Type: displays the type of the transaction; possible values are: payment, invoice and credit. This column must be used in conjunction with the 'S/P' prefix, which indicates whether the transaction is a sale or a purchase.
  • Amount: the amount of the transaction.
  • Allocated: shows how much of the transaction has been allocated, for example, if the transaction is a payment or a credit, the allocated columns shows how much of the payment or credit has been allocated to an invoice.
  • Balance: displays the outstanding balance which is the difference between the Invoice and Allocated amounts.
  • Invoice #: the invoice number, either purchase or sales, if it has been generated.
  • Period: how old the debt is displayed as a period, for example Current or week #. This can be seen in the Debt Management screen. For example, if an invoice was due payment as at 31st December and you're viewing the debt in May, it will be period 5 because it is 5 months overdue.
    Note: this only applies to account customers or suppliers.
  • Source #: displays the source ID for the item, for example sale order number, the supplier's purchase invoice number or the Code field for payment lines.
  • Other Ref: can be the customer's purchase order number or the entry made in the Code column in the sales order payment grid.
  • Linked URN: displays the URN of the linked company that created the transaction.
  • Linked Company Name: displays the company name of the linked company that created the transaction.
    Note: if the selected company is not linked it then their URN and company name will be displayed.

  • Outstanding Balance: figure below this grid displays the total of the customer's, or the supplier's, statement.

Statement Transaction Grid Context Menu

  • Goto Source Invoice:
    • Customers: opens up the stage in the Sales Invoice Manager where the sales order is located but only if the invoice is within the Current or Q1-Q4, otherwise the order will appear in the User Tray.
    • Suppliers: opens the associated Purchase Invoice for line focused on.
      Note: if the entry is the result of an SPLedger entry the SPLedger will open displaying the entry in the grid.
  • Goto Source Order:
    • Customers: opens the associated sales order for the line currently focused on.
    • Suppliers: opens the associated purchase order for the line currently focused on.
  • Goto Sales Order (Payment) (Cu): opens the Source Sales Order for this Payment dialog which shows the payment details for the sales order and also any cancellations that have taken place.
  • Goto Linked Company: display the linked company's details.
  • Goto Batch Allocation(s)... : displays any batch allocations.
  • Put selected invoices into "User Tray" (Cu): puts the selected invoices into the User Tray in the Sales Invoice Manager, see How To: Print Copies of Archived Invoices.
  • Show Journal Details: displays the Related Journal Entries Dialog showing associated journal entries for the selected line.
  • Refund (Cu):
    • Refund Credit Note or Payment (automatic) (Cu): opens the Refunds Dialog so a user can process a refund to customer's credit card.
      Note: the customer must have paid by credit card originally for this option to be used, see How To: Refund a Credit Note via the customer statement.
    • Refund Credit Note or Payment (manual): opens the Manual Refund Dialog so a user can process refund for cash, cheque or manually authorised credit cards.
      Note the system can only refund unallocated portions of a transaction. Once a transaction is fully allocated the only method to generate a refund is to issue a credit note before processing the refund, see How To: Refund a Credit Note via the customer statement.
    • Undo Refund: undo above; select the refund line before selecting this command. A form is displayed to confirm the refund amount; the amount entered must match the system for the undo to be performed.
      1. Once an undo has been carried out, it can't be undone so make sure that this is the correct procedure you wish to follow.
      2. This process does nothing with the credit card charging, this will have to be carried out manually.
      3. Once this procedure has been carried out a new line will be added in the Statement Transaction grid with a Source # and Other Ref as Undo Refund.
  • Mark Invoice as Disputed :
    • Yes: the green-selected invoice or invoices will not appear on the customer's printed statement and will appear in the disputed column on the debtors and creditors list (see Debt Management).
    • No: removes the disputed status of green-selected invoices.
      Note: Disputed Invoices are not displayed in the Allocate To grid even if the Show All checkbox is ticked, however they will still appear on the Statement Transactions grid.
  • Create Allocation Transaction (under & over payments): used to write-off small amounts, e.g. customer presents £5.20 cheque to pay off a £5.30 invoice, use this command to write-off the remaining 10 pence. See How To: Create an Under / Over Payment and How To: Write off credits en-masse.
  • Delete Opening Balance, Unalloc Transaction: used to undo the above command or an opening balance.
  • Enter Settlement Discount (Su): allows a settlement discount to be entered, see How To: Apply a Settlement Discount to a Purchase Invoice.
  • Colour Legend: provides information regarding text and background colours.
  • Clear Selection: deselects the currently selected line(s).

See Also

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