SO Acknowledge Trigger Type Tags

Setting up Email Message Templates is an Advanced User feature.

For the list of types of tags available see Email Manager Message Template Tags.

SO Acknowledge Trigger Type tags are used for emails, normally sent automatically, as a result of Sales Order Acknowledgements moving from one stage to another in the Sales Invoice Manager, for example How To: Send an Email for a Sales Order Acknowledgement.

The Available Tags are displayed when setting up Email Message Templates; the Trigger Type selected will determine which tags are available for use. The Available Tags inserted into the Message Template will determine what information replaces them when the email is created.

The Tag Description of the majority of the tags explains what information will replace the tag in the email. The SO Acknowledge tags have different coloured backgrounds:

  • Yellow: the tags listed inSystem Data Courier Banding yellow are used with the Item Template and To Follow Item Template fields and are placed in the Message Template body. When the email is sent the information defined in the fields Item Template and To Follow Item Template are listed in the main body of the email located where the yellow tags have been placed.
    Note: the To Follow Item Template does not work with part-shipped items.
  • Blue: the blue tags are used in the Item Template and To Follow Item Template to build up column headings of what and in which order the information will appear in the email.

Note: when using the Item Template you can add a line break or have the information on a new line by using <br /> where you want the break.

The Available Tags area has the following columns:

  • Tag Desc: the description of the tag.
  • Tag Name: the tag text that will be added into the main Message Template Area and will be replaced by the corresponding data when the email is sent to the addressee.

Tag Desc Tag Name Description
Use this Tag to place Items in your message $ITEM_TEXT The &dollar;ITEM_TEXT tag is placed in the body of the Message Template. The user then builds the content that will replace the &dollar;ITEM_TEXT tag when the message is sent by adding the tags with the blue background in the Item Template field.
Agent Email $AGENT_EMAIL The email address of the Agent stored against the [ System Data | Agents ] list, based on the Agent selected against the Sales Order which has triggered the email to be sent.
Brand Company $BRAND_COMPANY The name of the brand company as setup in [ System Data | Branding ].
Brand Description $BRAND_DESC The brand description as setup in [ System Data | Branding ].
Brand Email $BRAND_EMAIL The brand email address as setup in [ System Data | Branding ].
Brand Telephone Number $BRAND_TELEPHONE The brand telephone number as setup in [ System Data | Branding ]
Brand Website $BRAND_WEB The brand website as setup in [ System Data | Branding ].
Company Name $COMPANY_NAME The company name.
Company Reward Point Balance $COMPANY_REWARD_POINTS The number of reward points held by the customer and seen in their Reward Points area. It does not include any reward points that have been accrued on the current sales order.
Company UDA Item $UDA_COMPANY Allows the user to add the Company UDA into the body of the email, for example this can be used to bring specific customer attributes into the body of the email, see How To: Add Company UDAs into Email Templates.
Company URN $COMPANY_CODE The company ID.
Consignment Ref(s) for Boxes $BOXES_CONSIGNMENT_REF Supersedes the &dollar;CONSIGNMENT_REF option below as it adds the Courier URL from [ System Data | Couriers ] and consignment reference in automated despatch emails to customers. Where an invoice has been packed into more than one box, this tag will display the individual consignment references generated (including URLs, if specified in [ System Data | Couriers ]), with a line break between each one, see How To: Setup 'Your Order has Shipped' Invoice Emails and How To: Setup Email Consignment References for Boxes.
Note: the Email Message Template must have the HTML checkbox ticked so that the recipient receives an email with a clean and clear hyperlink to click through in order to track their parcel.
Consignment Reference $CONSIGNMENT_REF The manually entered consignment reference or if using courier integration then this can be automatically imported depending on the courier used. If sending out multiple boxes via a courier then the &dollar;BOXES_CONSIGNMENT_REF option should be used, see How To: Setup 'Your Order has Shipped' Invoice Emails.
Courier Code &dollar;COURIER_CODE The code listed in the Code column in [ System Data | Couriers ].
Courier Type &dollar;COURIER_TYPE The courier service or name from the Service / Courier Name column in [ System Data | Couriers ].
Courier(s) for Boxes &dollar;COURIERS_FOR_BOXES When this is used in the body of an E-mail Template, it will list all couriers assigned to any boxes which are against the Sales Order in the following format: COURIER_NAME: CONSIGNMENT_REFERENCE
Customer Order Ref. &dollar;CUSTOMER_PO The customer's Purchase Order reference entered in the Payment Fields area in the [ Sales Orders | Payment ] screen.
Delivery Address Telephone&dollar;DELIVERY_ADDR_TELEPHONEThe delivery telephone number in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Delivery Contact Email&dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_EMAILThe delivery contact email in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Delivery Contact Forename &dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_FORENAME The delivery contact forename in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Delivery Contact Mobile&dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_MOBILEWhen the email is sent out the mobile number from the delivery address contact will be displayed. If there is no mobile number it will be it blank.
Delivery Contact Surname &dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_SURNAME The delivery contact surname in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Delivery Contact Telephone&dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_TELEPHONEThe delivery contact's telephone number.
Delivery Contact Title &dollar;DELIVERY_CONTACT_TITLE The delivery contact's title.
Delivery Date &dollar;DELIVERY_DATE The date the sales order is expected to be delivered (despatched). It does rely on the delivery date on the sales order being the same as the actual despatch date.
Despatch Date &dollar;DESPATCH_DATE The date and time the sales order was despatched to the customer.
Generated Keycode Aliases &dollar;KEYCODE_ALIASESThis is used to email the customer their unique keycode, see How To: Email Customers with their unique offer codes and How To: Setup an Email Template to send customers their unique offer codes.
Invoice Address &dollar;INVOICE_ADDR The invoice address in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Invoice Address Organsisation &dollar;INVOICE_ADDR_ORGANISATIONThis is the name of the organisation setup in the Organisation field in the Secondary Address Types area in the [ Customer | Address ] screen.
Invoice Address Telephone&dollar;INV_ADDR_TELEPHONEThe telephone number for the invoice address in the [ Sales Orders | Addresses ] tab.
Invoice Code &dollar;INVOICE_CODE The invoice code generated when the invoice is printed, until then ??? will be displayed.
Invoice Contact Email &dollar;INVOICE_CONTACT_EMAIL The email address of the invoice contact.
Invoice Contact Forename &dollar;FORENAME The first name of the invoice contact.
Invoice Contact Job Title &dollar;JOB_TITLE The job title of the invoice contact.
Invoice Contact Mobile&dollar;INVOICE_CONTACT_MOBILEWhen the email is sent out the mobile number from the invoice address contact will be displayed. If there is no mobile number it will be it blank.
Invoice Contact Surname &dollar;SURNAME The surname for the invoice contact.
Invoice Contact Telephone &dollar;INVOICE_CONTACT_TEL The telephone number for the invoice contact.
Invoice Contact Title &dollar;CONTACT_TITLE The title of the invoice contact (Mr, Ms, Miss etc).
Invoice Date &dollar;INVOICE_DATEThe date the invoice code is generated, usually when the invoice is printed,
Invoice Delivery Address &dollar;INVOICE_DELIVERY_ADDR The address listed as the delivery address on the invoice.
Invoice Delivery Net Total &dollar;DELIVERY_NET The total cost of delivery excluding VAT.
Invoice Delivery Tax Total &dollar;DELIVERY_TAX_TOTAL The total amount of VAT for the delivery.
Invoice Delivery Total &dollar;DELIVERY_TOTAL The total cost of delivery including VAT.
Invoice ID &dollar;INVOICE_ID The system generated Invoice ID.
Invoice Item Discount Value &dollar;DISCOUNT The monetary discount for the item as shown in the Disc L column in the Sales Orders Grid.
Invoice Item Gross Total &dollar;GROSS_TOTAL The gross total for the stock item, i.e. including VAT for the total number of items.
Invoice Item Net Disc. Value &dollar;NET_DISCOUNT The net value of any discount for the stock item, i.e. total discount excluding VAT for the sales order item line.
Invoice Item Net Total &dollar;NET_TOTAL The net total for the stock item, i.e. excluding VAT for the total number of items.
Invoice Item Net Unit &dollar;NET_UNIT The unit price per item, i.e. excluding VAT. If an order line has been discounted, the discounted Net Unit price is displayed.
Invoice Item Quantity Sent &dollar;QTY_SENT The number of the stock items being shipped in the current consignment.
Invoice Item Stock Code &dollar;STOCK_CODE The stock code of the stock item.
Invoice Item Stock Description &dollar;ITEM_NAME The name of the stock item on the order.
Invoice Item Tax Total &dollar;TAX_TOTAL The total amount of VAT for the stock item.
Invoice Net Total &dollar;NET_TOTAL The total for the invoice excluding VAT.
Invoice Tax Total &dollar;TAX_TOTAL The total amount of VAT on the invoice.
Invoice Total EXCL Delivery &dollar;GROSS_TOTAL The invoice total excluding the delivery charge.
Invoice Total INCL Delivery &dollar;INVOICE_TOTAL The invoice total including the delivery charge.
Number of To Follow items &dollar;TO_FOLLOW_COUNT The number of outstanding items that will be despatched at a later date.
Quantity On Order &dollar;QTY_SOLD The total number of items on the order that the customer has ordered.
Quantity To Follow &dollar;QTY_TOFOLLOW The number of items that are not being sent with this consignment, normally because they are out of stock.
Sales Order Code &dollar;SORDER_CODE The Sales Order Code as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Date &dollar;SORDER_DATE The date the Sales Order Code was created, although this can be amended, found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Delivery Timeslot &dollar;DELIVERY_TIMESLOT From the Timeslot field on the [ Sales Order | Additional ] screen.
Sales Order Gross Total &dollar;SORDER_TOTAL The total on the sales order including delivery and VAT.
Sales Order Grs Total (exDel) &dollar;SORDER_EXDEL_TOTAL The total on the sales order including VAT but excluding delivery.
Sales Order Line Gross Total &dollar;SOI_GROSS_TOTAL The total cost per stock item line including VAT on the sales order.
Sales Order Line Gross Unit &dollar;SOI_GROSS_UNIT The unit cost per stock item line including VAT on the sales order.
Sales Order Line Net Total &dollar;SOI_NET_TOTAL The total cost per stock item line excluding VAT on the sales order.
Sales Order Line Net Unit &dollar;SOI_NET_UNIT The unit cost per stock item line excluding VAT on the sales order.
Sales Order Line Qty Ordered &dollar;SOI_QTY_ORDERED The quantity of stock items that the customer has ordered on the sales order.
Sales Order Net Total &dollar;SORDER_NET_TOTAL The total on the sales order excluding VAT and delivery
Sales Order Source &dollar;SORDER_SOURCE The Sales Source of the Order Code as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen.
Sales Order Tax Total &dollar;SORDER_TAX_TOTAL The total of tax on a sales order.
Sales Order To Follow Grs Tot &dollar;SOI_TOFOLLOW_TOTAL The total cost per stock item line including VAT of out of stock items that will be despatched at a later date.
Sales Order Total &dollar;SALES_ORDER_TOTAL The total value of the Sales Order as found on the [ Sales Orders | Main ] screen, this includes the value of any out of stock items.
Stock UDA Item &dollar;UDA_STOCK Allows the user to add the Stock UDA for the individual items into the email, for example this can be used to bring URLs into the body of the email, see How To: Add Stock UDAs into Email Templates.
Web Order Ref &dollar;ASSOCIATED_REF Normally the customer's web site order reference and found in the Payment Fields area in the [ Sales Orders | Payment ] screen.
Date - Day as 2 digit number &dollar;DATE_DD The date as two digit number for example 03, 21, 28.
Date - Day as name &dollar;DATE_DNAME Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc.
Date - Day as suffixed number &dollar;DATE_DNUMBER The date including a suffix for example 3rd, 21st, 28th.
Date - Month as 2 digit number &dollar;DATE_MM The month as a two digit number for example 08 (August), 10 (October) etc.
Date - Year as 4 digit number &dollar;DATE_YYYY The year in full for example 2014, 2015 etc

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